High-throughput analysis using LightCycler® 1536 Real-Time PCR System

The LightCycler® 1536 System is a novel platform, capable of performing qPCR-based DNA/RNA analysis in an array-like format at high-speed, in a proprietary multiwell plate in 1536-format. Scaling qPCR to a higher throughput, with concurrent miniaturization of individual reactions, provides a new generation of an enabling nucleic acid analysis system, combining the strengths of qPCR with the parallelism and throughput capability of lowdensity microarrays.




  • Utilize the first plate-based real-time PCR instrument that generates 1,536 data points in a single PCR run in less than 50 minutes.
  • Obtain high-performance data comparable to legacy data until now only generated with 96- and 384-formats, using this low-volume 1536-well format (0.5 to 2.0 µl).
  • Reduce sample input volume, and cut your cost per data point by at least 50%.
  • Obtain fourfold higher throughput per plate and reduce inter-assay errors.
  • Maximize PCR layout flexibility using a customizable plate-based format.
  • Obtain reliable real-time PCR data with the LightCycler® 1536 Software, streamlined for high-throughput needs.
  • Take advantage of a streamlined system designed for automation and high-throughput workflows.
  • Improve data robustness with a built-in error-checking system that detects pipetting errors.

With the LightCycler® 1536 System Avidin can perform:

  • High-throughput gene detection
  • High-throughput gene expression
  • Genetic variation analysis

For further details please visit Roche Life Science’s home page, or contact us!